
Transistors are used for amplification or switching in most electronic circuits. There are mainly two types of transistors: BJTs (bipolar junction transistors) and FETs (field effect transistors). A BJT is a semiconductor device consisting of two p-n junctions connected back-to-back. It can have two types of configurations: PNP or NPN, depending on the doping concentrations. Typically, silicon is used as the substrate inside a BJT and is doped according to voltage and current requirements. A BJT has three terminals - base, emitter and collector. FETs also have three terminals like BJTs, but are manufactured using only one type of material as the main substrate, i.e. either p-type or n-type. The three terminals are called gate, drain and source. 



Showing 1-15 of 15 item(s)

2N2222 NPN 40V 800mA transistor pack 10pcs

Product Category: Bipolar Transistor, NPN.
2N2222 NPN 40V 800mA 300MHz transistor features:

- Package / Case: TO-92
- Quantity: 20 units
- Collector-base voltage VCBO: 75V
- Collector-emitter voltage VCEO: 40V
- VEBO emitter-base voltage: 6V
- Continuous collector current: 600mA
- DC MAX collector current: 800mA
- Maximum power dissipation: 1.6W


Price €0.07

BC547B NPN 50V 100mA transistor 0.1A TO-92

Product Category: Bipolar Transistor, NPN.
BC547B NPN 50V 100mA transistor 0.1A TO-92 features:

- Package / Case: TO-92
- Quantity: 25 units
- Collector-base voltage VCBO: 50V
- Collector-emitter voltage VCEO: 45V
- VEBO emitter-base voltage: 6V
- Continuous collector current: 100mA
- DC MAX collector current: 200mA
- Maximum power dissipation: 500mW


Price €0.03

BC557B 50V PNP Transistor 100mA 0.1A TO-92

Product Category: Bipolar Transistor, PNP
BC557B 50V PNP Transistor 100mA 0.1A TO-92 features:

- Package / Case: TO-92
- Quantity: 25 units
- Collector-base voltage VCBO: 50V
- Collector-emitter voltage VCEO: 45V
- VEBO emitter-base voltage: 6V
- Continuous collector current: 100mA
- DC MAX collector current: 200mA
- Maximum power dissipation: 500mW


Price €0.03

TIP120 Low voltage Darlington transistor NPN 60V 5A with collector-emitter saturation pack 5ps

TIP120 Low voltage Darlington transistor NPN 60V 5A with collector-emitter saturation pack 5ps features:
- Package / Case: TIP120 TO-220
- Manufacturer: ST Microelectronics
- VCBO collector-base voltage: 60V
- VCEO collector-emitter voltage: 60V
- VEBO emitter-base voltage: 5V
- Collector continuous current: 5A
- DC MAX collector current: 8A
- Maximum power dissipation: 65W if T <= 25ºC
- Storage temperature: -65ºC to + 150ºC
- Maximum operating junction temperature: + 150ºC


Price €0.99

BD137 Plastic Medium-Power Silicon NPN Transistors pack 5ps

BD137 Plastic Medium-Power Silicon NPN Transistors pack 5ps features:
Material: Silicon Polarity: N-P-N Encapsulated: TO 126 Audio amplifier, driver
VCBO collector-base voltage: 60V VCEO collector-emitter voltage: 60V VEBO emitter-base voltage: 5V Collector continuous current: 1.5A Typical gain of direct current. hfe: 40-160
Maximum power dissipation: 12.5 Watt if T <= 25ºC Working frequency: 250 MHz

Typical gain of direct current. hfe: 40-160


Price €0.82

BD139 Plastic Medium-Power Silicon NPN Transistors pack 5ps

BD139 Plastic Medium-Power Silicon NPN Transistors pack 5ps features:
Material: Silicon Polarity: N-P-N Encapsulated: TO 126 Audio amplifier, driver
VCBO collector-base voltage: 60V VCEO collector-emitter voltage: 60V VEBO emitter-base voltage: 5V Collector continuous current: 1.5A Typical gain of direct current. hfe: 40-160
Maximum power dissipation: 12.5 Watt if T <= 25ºC Working frequency: 250 MHz

Typical gain of direct current. hfe: 40-160


Price €0.82

TRIAC 2n6073BG two-way thyristor TO-225, 3-Pin

TRIAC 2N6073 BG, TO 225, 3-Pin (triodes for alternating current are also known as bi-directional thyristors) They are used in AC control and switching applications with nominal currents from less than 1 A to 40 A rms. A TRIAC acts as a practical switch for an AC circuit.


Price €0.32

Transistor S8050 PNP TO-92

Bipolar transistor, PNP type (i.e. positive-negative-positive), encapsulated in TO-92 type housing. See product chart for more technical information.


Price €0.04

Active filters