It is very easy to make it work with an Arduino, PIC or any other microcontroller.In its output pin we can measure the pulse width PWM depending on the distance of the obstacle.Mounting bracket is ideal for installing the sensor on mobile platforms such as robots, vehicles, etc. HC-SR04 + Ultrasonic Sensor Support Arduino features: - Supply voltage: 5V (4.5V-6V)- Consumption: typical 30 mA, (35 mA max)- Interface: VCC, GND, Signal- Range: 2 cm to 3 meters- Angle 15º- LED measurement indicator in progress- Frequency: 40 kHz for 200 μs- Size: 30 mm x 20 mm Feature of the support: - Material: Acrylic- Transparent color- Includes screws
It is very easy to make it work with an Arduino, PIC or any other microcontroller.In its output pin we can measure the pulse width PWM depending on the distance of the obstacle.Mounting bracket is ideal for installing the sensor on mobile platforms such as robots, vehicles, etc.
- Supply voltage: 5V (4.5V-6V)- Consumption: typical 30 mA, (35 mA max)- Interface: VCC, GND, Signal- Range: 2 cm to 3 meters- Angle 15º- LED measurement indicator in progress- Frequency: 40 kHz for 200 μs- Size: 30 mm x 20 mm Feature of the support: - Material: Acrylic- Transparent color- Includes screws
It is very easy to make it work with an Arduino, PIC or any other microcontroller. In its output pin we will be able to measure the PWM pulse width depending on the distance of the obstacle. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Distance Measuring Module features: - Supply voltage: 5V (4.5V- 6V) - Consumption: 30 mA typical, (35 mA max) - Interface: VCC , GND, Signal - Range: 2 cm to 3 meters - Angle 15º - LED indicator of measurement in progress - Frequency: 40 kHz for 200 µs - Size: 30mm x 20mm - Quantity: 1 unit Useful links for Arduino / Raspberry programming and projects with boards Arduino / Raspberry: Automatic robot operation with obstacle detection />
Support for ultrasounds, HC-SR04 distance meter. Ideal to install the sensor on mobile platforms such as robots, vehicles, etc. Support for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor features: - Material: Acrylic - Color: transparent - Includes screws
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